Institute of Inorganic Chemistry Institute Events
Opening lecture of Prof. Annika Bande: Where Do You Go To My (...) [Electron]? A Theoretician’s View on Chemistry and Light-Matter Interaction

Opening lecture of Prof. Annika Bande: Where Do You Go To My (...) [Electron]? A Theoretician’s View on Chemistry and Light-Matter Interaction

[Translate to English:] Foto: Sören Pinsdorf / LUH

The opening lecture of Prof. Annika Bande is presented on Thurdsay, June 13, 2024 at 5:15 pm in the GDCh colloquium in the lecture hall Kali-Chemie (Callinstraße 9). The title is “Where Do You Go To My (...) [Electron]?  -  A Theoretician’s View on Chemistry and Light-Matter Interaction". At the following reception there is the chance to get to know Prof. Bande in person.